- 1h 51m
The Groll Café
It is 1920 and a young doctor Rudolf Slíva is appointed to look after the health of the female employees working in the České Budějovice brothels. But it is the Groll Café in Kasárenská Street with its famous courtesan Anna Václavíková where his destiny awaits. This captivating production of the South Bohemian Theater boasts splendid acting and a glitzy set design. The tantalizing atmosphere is enhanced by lively piano music, alluring costumes and choreography by burlesque dancer Miss Cool Cat. The adaptation of Jan Štifter's novel promises a rousing viewing experience culminating with a surprising ending.
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Павел Убрам
Тереза Бранна
Дана Верзихова
Даніела Шишкова
- НДНаталія Драбіщакова
Даніела Бамбасова
Томаш Кобр
Іржі Унтермюллер
Татяна Купцова
Каміла Яновичова
- MNMartina Nováková
- NTNicole Tisotová
- EBEliška Brumovská
- JČJaroslava Červenková
Ян Дворжак
Томаш Драпела
- DKDavid Krchňavý
Ден Краніч
- JKJaroslav Kukrál
Ян Саська
- JČJan Čtvrtník