- 1h 26m
Why are people unhappy even when they seemingly have everything? Táňa Pauhofová plays gentle Izabela in an original performance by the Arena Theatre. Marx, as interpreted by Martin Čičvák and Peter Lomnicky, is cheekily funny, politically incorrect and predicts capitalism's imminent self-destruction. The actors put on a crazy show, from the wild rhythm of live music by DJ Reverend, to their comments on the absurdities of the world, to dancing, singing and drowning in showers of sweets and chips. The creators are not interested in the struggle for power, but in the consuming emptiness of a man who is valued only based on his usefulness on the labor market.
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Táňa Pauhofová
- KPKristína Palonder
- BDBranislav Deák
- TPTomáš Palonder
- MHMartin Hronský
- MPMarián Prevendarčík
- PČPalo Čejka