- 1h 36m
Reign of Darkness
A dark classic from the pen of L. N. Tolstoy in a production that stands out for its impeccable cast performances and captivating music. The distinctive black and white colour palette of the play supports the expression of pain and unhappiness. Tolstoy was inspired by a true story to create a psychological thriller that reveals the darkest corners of the human soul. The story takes place in a backward village where people are controlled by a basic survival instinct; their ferocious desire for property and intrigue results in highly dramatic events.
Support online theater
- MKMartin Kochan
- TPTajna Peršić
- IBIngrida Baginová
- MJMichal Jánoš
Miroslav Beňuš
- MKMartin Križan
- TMTomáš Mosný
- NDNikolett Dékány
Tomáš Vravník
Silvia Soldanová