- 59m
My Relatives and Other Scum
Akademické divadlo dramatu Lesji Ukrajinky
The family saga titled “Mother of Bitterness” by Lena Lajushonkova tells a story about people who have been offered the short end of the stick in life. This innocent and transparent story of Dianka taking place during the Soviet and post-Soviet era describes difficult years of bullying by her classmates due to her financial position, her poor reputation as a Greek, and her troubled son, addicted to alcohol, drugs and theft. “A good moment to rethink about who we are, to make a list of our «sorrows»” (Zbrucz).
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Autor předlohy
Оксана Цимбаліст
- СЛСофія Лишишак
- КККатерина Кудлач
Андрій Кравчук
- ВГВіталій Гордієнко
Анастасія Лісовська
Тетяна Фролова
- АЄАнна Єпатко
- ВСВасиль Сидорко
- РКРоман Кривдик
- ЗДЗоряна Дибовська